citistat: Citizenship status, detailed
indicates whether or not the respondent is a US citizen. See also citizen
Sample |
Years |
Basic |
1994 - present |
1994 - present |
Value |
Label |
1 |
Native, born in US |
2 |
Native, born in Puerto Rico or other US island areas |
3 |
Native, born abroad with American parent(s) |
4 |
Foreign born, naturalized US citizen |
5 |
Foreign born, not a US citizen |
Variable creation
* citistat: Citizenship status, detailed
gen byte citistat = .
if $monthlycps == 1 {
if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
replace citistat = prcitshp
assert 1 <= prcitshp & prcitshp <= 5
label var citistat "Citizenship status, detailed"
#delimit ;
lab def citistat
1 "Native, born in US"
2 "Native, born in Puerto Rico or other US island areas"
3 "Native, born abroad with American parent(s)"
4 "Foreign born, naturalized US citizen"
5 "Foreign born, not a US citizen"
#delimit cr;
lab val citistat citistat
notes citistat: 1994-present CPS: prcitshp