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diffvision: Difficulty with vision


diffvision indicates whether the respondent was blind or had serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses.


Sample Years
Basic 2009m1 - present
ORG 2008m6 - present


Value Label
0 Doesn't experience difficulty
1 Experiences difficulty


Variable creation
* Blind or difficulty with vision
gen byte diffvision = .

if $monthlycps == 1 {
    if tm(2009m1) <= $date {
        replace diffvision = 0 if pediseye == 2
        replace diffvision = 1 if pediseye == 1

label var diffvision "Difficulty with vision"
#delimit ;
lab def diffvision 
0 "Doesn't experience difficulty"
1 "Experiences difficulty"
#delimit cr
lab val diffvision diffvision
notes diffvision: 2008m6-present Basic: pediseye