ownchild: Number of own children in primary family¶
is the number of own children in the primary family.
Sample | Years |
Basic | 1984 - 1993, 1999m11 - present |
ORG | 1984 - 1993, 1999m11 - present |
This variable may have a different coding or sample universe between the periods 1984-1993 and 1999m11-present. Top-codes vary across years.
Variable creation
* Number of own children
gen byte ownchild = .
if $monthlycps == 1 {
if tm(1984m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
replace ownchild = pfnocd - 1 if (famrel == 1 | famrel == 2) & pfnocd >= 1
if tm(1999m11) <= $date {
replace ownchild = prnmchld if (prfamrel == 1 | prfamrel == 2) & prnmchld >= 0
lab var ownchild "Number of own children in primary family"
notes ownchild: Universe: family reference person or spouse
notes ownchild: 1984m1-1984m4: topcode=4
notes ownchild: 1984m5-1993: topcode=8
notes ownchild: 1984-1993 Unicon: pfnocd
notes ownchild: 1999m11-present CPS: prnmchld