wbho: Race/ethnicity¶
is the four-category race or ethnicity of the individual.
Sample | Years |
Basic | All years |
May | All years |
ORG | All years |
This variable is mostly consistent over time, but there are race/ethnicity coding changes in 1989, 1996, 2003, 2012m5, and 2014. See the race/ethnicity methodology for more details.
Value | Label |
1 | White |
2 | Black |
3 | Hispanic |
4 | Other |
Detailed comments¶
Significant race/ethnicity coding changes occur in 1989, 1996, 2003, 2012m5, and 2014.
In the figure above, 1973-1975 data are from the EPI CPS May extracts, and 1976-2024 data are from the EPI CPS Basic Monthly extracts.
Variable creation
* Race: WBHO
gen byte wbho = .
if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1988m12) {
replace wbho = 1 if race == 1
replace wbho = 2 if race == 2
replace wbho = 4 if race == 3
* Hispanic ethnicity
replace wbho = 3 if hispanic == 1
if tm(1989m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
replace wbho = 1 if race == 1
replace wbho = 2 if race == 2
replace wbho = 4 if (3 <= race & race <= 5)
* Hispanic ethnicity
replace wbho = 3 if hispanic == 1
if tm(1994m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1995m12) {
replace wbho = 1 if perace == 1
replace wbho = 2 if perace == 2
replace wbho = 4 if (3 <= perace & perace <= 5)
* Hispanic ethnicity
replace wbho = 3 if hispanic == 1
if tm(1996m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2002m12) {
replace wbho = 1 if perace == 1
replace wbho = 2 if perace == 2
replace wbho = 4 if (3 <= perace & perace <= 4)
* Hispanic ethnicity
replace wbho = 3 if hispanic == 1
if tm(2003m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2012m4) {
* May 2004- June 2005: ptdtrace variable renamed to prdtrace
if tm(2004m5) <= $date & $date <= tm(2005m7) {
gen ptdtrace = prdtrace
replace wbho=1 if ptdtrace==1
replace wbho=2 if ptdtrace==2
replace wbho=2 if ptdtrace==6 /* black-white */ | ptdtrace==10 /*
*/ /* black-AI */ | ptdtrace==11 /* black-asian */ | ptdtrace==12 /*
*/ /* black-HP */ | ptdtrace==15 /* W-B-AI */ | ptdtrace==16 /* W-B-A */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==19 /* W-B-AI-A */
replace wbho=4 if (3<=ptdtrace & ptdtrace<=5)
replace wbho=4 if ptdtrace==7 /* white-AI */ | ptdtrace==8 /*
*/ /* white-asian */ | ptdtrace==9 /* white-hawaiian */ | ptdtrace==13 /*
*/ /* AI-asian */ | ptdtrace==14 /* Asian-HP */ | ptdtrace==17 /* W-AI-A */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==18 /* W-A-HP */ | ptdtrace==20 /* 2 or 3 races */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==21 /* 4 or 5 races */
* Hispanic ethnicity
replace wbho = 3 if hispanic == 1
if tm(2012m5) <= $date {
replace wbho=1 if ptdtrace==1 /* white */
replace wbho=2 if ptdtrace==2 /* black */
replace wbho=2 if ptdtrace==6 /* black-white */ | ptdtrace==10 /*
*/ /* black-AI */ | ptdtrace==11 /* black-asian */ | ptdtrace==12 /*
*/ /* black-HP */ | ptdtrace==16 /* W-B-AI */ | ptdtrace==17 /* W-B-A */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==18 /* W-B-HP */ | ptdtrace==22 /* B-AI-A */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==23 /* W-B-AI-A */
replace wbho=4 if (3<=ptdtrace & ptdtrace<=5)
replace wbho=4 if ptdtrace==7 /* white-AI */ | ptdtrace==8 /*
*/ /* white-asian */ | ptdtrace==9 /* white-hawaiian */ | ptdtrace==13 /*
*/ /* AI-asian */ | ptdtrace==14 /* AI-HP */ | ptdtrace==15 /* Asian-HP */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==19 /* W-AI-A */ | ptdtrace==20 /* W-AI-HP */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==21 /* W-A-HP */ | ptdtrace==24 /* W-AI-A-HP */ /*
*/ | ptdtrace==25 /* Other 3 races */ | ptdtrace==26 /* 4 and 5 races */
* Hispanic ethnicity
replace wbho = 3 if hispanic == 1
lab var wbho "Race/ethnicity"
#delimit ;
lab define wbho
1 "White"
2 "Black"
3 "Hispanic"
4 "Other";
#delimit cr
lab val wbho wbho
notes wbho: Racial and ethnic categories are mutually exclusive
notes wbho: Definition breaks in 1989, 1996, 2003, 2012m5, 2014
notes wbho: Major recoding of race variable in 2003
notes wbho: From 2003, black includes all respondents listing black; other /*
*/ includes all respondents listing non-white or non-black races, except /*
*/ those also listing black
notes wbho: 1973-present: Hispanic definition from variable hispanic
notes wbho: 1973-1993 Unicon: race
notes wbho: 1994-2002 CPS: perace
notes wbho: 2003-present CPS: ptdtrace
Figure creation
keep if age >= 16 & age ~= .
cap drop hispanic
gen byte white = wbho == 1 if wbho ~= .
gen byte black = wbho == 2 if wbho ~= .
gen byte hispanic = wbho == 3 if wbho ~= .
gen byte other = wbho == 4 if wbho ~= .
gcollapse (mean) white black hispanic other [pw=basicwgt], by(year) fast
sum year
local maxyear = r(max)
foreach var of varlist white black hispanic other {
replace `var' = `var' * 100
sum `var' if year == `maxyear'
local `var'yvalue = r(mean)
local `var'xvalue = `maxyear' + 0.5
local color1 228 26 28
local color2 55 126 184
local color3 77 175 74
local color4 152 78 163
line white black hispanic other year, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(1975(5)2020) ///
ylabel(0(20)60 80 "80%", angle(0) gmin gmax) ///
xtitle("") ytitle("") ///
lcolor("`color1'" "`color2'" "`color3'" "`color4'") ///
graphregion(color(white) margin(r=17)) plotregion(color(white)) ///
title("Share of population by race/ethnicity, ages 16 and over", size(medium)) ///
text(`whiteyvalue' `whitexvalue' "White", color("`color1'") placement(e)) ///
text(`blackyvalue' `blackxvalue' "Black", color("`color2'") placement(e)) ///
text(`hispanicyvalue' `hispanicxvalue' "Hispanic", color("`color3'") placement(e)) ///
text(`otheryvalue' `otherxvalue' "Other", color("`color4'") placement(e))
graph export ${variableimages}wbho_titleimage.svg, replace
Significant race/ethnicity coding changes occur in 1989, 1996, 2003, 2012m5, and 2014.
In the figure above, 1973-1975 data are from the EPI CPS May extracts, and 1976-2024 data are from the EPI CPS Basic Monthly extracts.