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schenrl: Enrolled in high school or college last week

schenrl title image


schenrl indicates whether or not the respondent was enrolled last week in high school, college, or university.


Sample Years
Basic 1984 - present
ORG 1984 - present

Although consistently defined over time, the sample universe for this variable has changed: from 1984-2012, valid for ages 16-24; from 2013-present, valid for ages 16-54.


Value Label
0 Not enrolled
1 Enrolled


Variable creation
* Enrolled in high school or college last week
gen byte schenrl = .

if $monthlycps == 1 {
    if tm(1984m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
        replace schenrl = 0 if schenr == 2
        replace schenrl = 1 if schenr == 1
    if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
        replace schenrl = 0 if peschenr == 2
        replace schenrl = 1 if peschenr == 1

lab var schenrl "Enrolled in high school or college last week"
lab def schenrl 1 "Enrolled" 0 "Not enrolled"
lab val schenrl schenrl
notes schenrl: Available 1993-present
notes schenrl: 1983-2012 universe: ages 16-24
notes schenrl: 2013-present universe: ages 16-54
notes schenrl: 1984-1993 Unicon: schenr
notes schenrl: 1994-present CPS: peschenr
Figure creation
gen byte agegroup = 1 if age >= 16 & age <= 21
replace agegroup = 2 if age >= 22 & age <= 24
replace agegroup = 3 if age >= 25 & age <= 39
replace agegroup = 4 if age >= 40 & age <= 54

keep if agegroup ~= .
keep if year >= 1984

gcollapse (mean) schenrl_ = schenrl [pw=basicwgt], by(year agegroup) fast

* make wide
reshape wide schenrl_, i(year) j(agegroup)

* grab values useful for graphing
foreach var of varlist schenrl_* {
    replace `var' = `var' * 100
    sum `var' if year == 2013
    local `var'yvalue = r(mean)
    local `var'xvalue = 2007
local schenrl_1yvalue = `schenrl_1yvalue' + 6
local schenrl_2yvalue = `schenrl_2yvalue' + 5.5
local schenrl_3yvalue = `schenrl_3yvalue'
local schenrl_4yvalue = `schenrl_4yvalue'

local color1 228 26 28
local color2 55 126 184
local color3 77 175 74
local color4 152 78 163
local color5 255 127 0

line schenrl_1 schenrl_2 year, ///
    lcolor("`color1'" "`color2'") || ///
    line schenrl_3 schenrl_4 year, ///
    lcolor("`color3'" "`color4'") ///
    legend(off) ///
    xlabel(1985(5)2020) ///
    ylabel(0(20)80 100 "100%", angle(0) gmin gmax) ///
    xtitle("") ytitle("") ///
    graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)) ///
    title("Share of individuals enrolled in school, by age group", size(medium)) ///
    text(`schenrl_1yvalue' `schenrl_1xvalue' "Ages 16-21", color("`color1'") placement(e)) ///
    text(`schenrl_2yvalue' `schenrl_2xvalue' "Ages 22-24", color("`color2'") placement(e)) ///
    text(`schenrl_3yvalue' `schenrl_3xvalue' "Ages 25-39", color("`color3'") placement(e)) ///
    text(`schenrl_4yvalue' `schenrl_4xvalue' "Ages 40-54", color("`color4'") placement(e))
    graph export ${variableimages}schenrl_titleimage.svg, replace