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ftptstat: Full/part-time work status


ftptstat is a detailed 12-category variable describing the full/part-time work status of the respondent.


Sample Years
Basic 1994 - present
ORG 1994 - present


Value Label
1 Not in labor force
2 FT hours (35+), usually FT
3 PT for economic reasons, usually FT
4 PT for non-economic reasons, usually FT
5 Not at work, usually FT
6 PT hrs, usually PT for economic reasons
7 PT hrs, usually PT for non-economic reasons
8 FT hours, usually PT for economic reasons
9 FT hours, usually PT for non-economic
10 Not at work, usually part-time
11 Unemployed FT
12 Unemployed PT


Variable creation
* Full/part-time work status
gen byte ftptstat = .

if $monthlycps == 1 {
    if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
        replace ftptstat = prwkstat
        replace ftptstat = . if ftptstat == -1

lab var ftptstat "Full/part-time work status"
#delimit ;
lab def ftptstat
1 "Not in labor force"
2 "FT hours (35+), usually FT"
3 "PT for economic reasons, usually FT"
4 "PT for non-economic reasons, usually FT"
5 "Not at work, usually FT"
6 "PT hrs, usually PT for economic reasons"
7 "PT hrs, usually PT for non-economic reasons"
8 "FT hours, usually PT for economic reasons"
9 "FT hours, usually PT for non-economic"
10 "Not at work, usually part-time"
11 "Unemployed FT"
12 "Unemployed PT"
#delimit cr
lab val ftptstat ftptstat
notes ftptstat: 1994-present CPS: prwkstat