countyfips: County - FIPS code¶
is the three digit FIPS county code of the household which must be used in conjunction with the state FIPS code statefips
Sample | Years |
Basic | 2004m5 - present |
ORG | 2004m5 - present |
In some years, roughly 60% of observations do not have county identifiers. Sometimes very populous counties are not identified with countyfips but will be included as part of a metropolitan area (see cbsafips).
This variable is the original code on file and is not consistent over time.
Value | Label |
0 | Not identified |
Variable creation
* County
gen countyfips = .
if $monthlycps == 1 {
if tm(1995m9) <= $date & $date <= tm(2004m4) {
replace countyfips = geco
if tm(2004m5) <= $date {
replace countyfips = gtco
lab var countyfips "County - FIPS code"
lab def countyfips 0 "Not identified"
lab val countyfips countyfips
notes countyfips: 1995m9-2004m4, CPS: geco
notes countyfips: 2004m5-present, CPS: gtco
notes countyfips: Not consistent over time
Figure creation
sum year
local maxyear = r(max)
keep if year == `maxyear'
keep if age >= 16 & age <= 64
tostring statefips, gen(state) format(%02.0f)
tostring countyfips, gen(county) format(%03.0f)
replace county = state + county
destring county, replace
gcollapse (count) n=year, by(county)
local color1 123 50 148
local color2 194 165 207
local color3 166 219 160
local color4 0 136 55
#delimit ;
maptile n,
geo(county2014) fcolor(BrBG) ndfcolor(white)
title("County identified sample sizes of individuals ages 16-64 in `maxyear'", size(medium))
#delimit cr;
graph export ${variableimages}countyfips_titleimage.svg, replace