metstat: Metropolitan status¶
whether or not the household resides in a metropolitan area.
Sample | Years |
Basic | 1976 - 1995m6, 1995m8 - present |
May | 1973 - 1981 |
ORG | 1979 - 1995m6, 1995m8 - present |
The Census suppressed this variable for all observations during 1995m6-1995m8 due to changes in household identifiers in 1995.
Value | Label |
0 | Nometropolitan |
1 | Metropolitan |
Variable creation
* metstat: metro status
capture rename metstat orig_metstat
gen metstat = .
if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
if $monthlycps == 0 & $maycps == 1 & $date <= tm(1976m12) {
replace metstat = 1 if citystat == 1 | citystat == 2
replace metstat = 0 if citystat == 3
else {
replace metstat = 1 if orig_metstat == 1
replace metstat = 0 if orig_metstat == 2
if (tm(1994m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1995m5)) | (tm(1995m9) <= $date & $date <= tm(2004m4)) {
replace metstat = 1 if gemetsta == 1
replace metstat = 0 if gemetsta == 2
if tm(2004m5) <= $date {
replace metstat = 1 if gtmetsta == 1
replace metstat = 0 if gtmetsta == 2
lab var metstat "Metropolitan status"
lab def metstat 0 "Nometropolitan" 1 "Metropolitan"
lab val metstat metstat
notes metstat: 1973-1976 May Unicon: citystat
notes metstat: 1977-1981 May Unicon: citystat
notes metstat: 1976-1993 Basic Unicon: metstat
notes metstat: 1994-1995m5, 1995m9-2004m4 CPS: gemetsta
notes metstat: 2004m5-present CPS: gtmetsta
notes metstat: Missing for all observations during 1995m6-1995m8
notes metstat: Based on SMSA central city/noncentral status for May 1973-1981