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hoursu1: Usual hours worked per week, main job


hoursu1 is the number of hours per week usually worked at the respondent's primary job.


Sample Years
Basic 1994 - present
ORG 1994 - present


Value Label
99 99+


Variable creation
* Usual hours worked per week, primary job
gen int hoursu1 = .

if $monthlycps == 1 {
    if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
        replace hoursu1 = pehrusl1

replace hoursu1 = . if hoursu1 < 0

lab var hoursu1 "Usual hours worked per week, main job"
lab def hoursu1 99 "99+"
lab val hoursu1 hoursu1
notes hoursu1: Only available 1994-present
notes hoursu1: 1994-present CPS: pehrusl1