hoursu1i: Imputed usual weekly hours, main job (ORG only)
is the imputed hours used in creating wage
and wageotc
in order to assign hours for non-hourly workers whose hours usually vary.
Variable creation
* Usual hours worked per week, primary job
capture confirm variable hoursu1i, exact
if _rc == 0 {
drop hoursu1i
gen hoursu1i = .
if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
forvalues i = 2/5 {
gen age`i' = age^`i'
local indepvars age age2 age3 age4 age5 i.educ i.wbho i.citistat i.married i.statefips i.union i.pubsec i.mind16
gen orgsample = orgwgt > 0 & orgwgt ~= . & age >= 16 & age ~= . & (minsamp == 4 | minsamp == 8)
* Regression: female, full-time
reg hoursu1 `indepvars' if hoursu1 > 0 & orgsample == 1 & female == 1 & (3 <= hoursuint & hoursuint <= 6) [aw=orgwgt]
predict hourpred_ft_f if orgsample == 1 & female == 1 & hoursuint == 7, xb
* Regression: female, part-time
reg hoursu1 `indepvars' if hoursu1 > 0 & orgsample == 1 & female == 1 & (1 <= hoursuint & hoursuint <= 2) [aw=orgwgt]
predict hourpred_pt_f if orgsample == 1 & female == 1 & hoursuint == 8, xb
* Regression: male, full-time
reg hoursu1 `indepvars' if hoursu1 > 0 & orgsample == 1 & female == 0 & (3 <= hoursuint & hoursuint <= 6) [aw=orgwgt]
predict hourpred_ft_m if orgsample == 1 & female == 0 & hoursuint == 7, xb
* Regression: male, part-time
reg hoursu1 `indepvars' if hoursu1 > 0 & orgsample == 1 & female == 0 & (1 <= hoursuint & hoursuint <= 2) [aw=orgwgt]
predict hourpred_pt_m if orgsample == 1 & female == 0 & hoursuint == 8, xb
* assign predicted values
replace hoursu1i = hoursu1 if hoursu1 ~= .
replace hoursu1i = hourpred_ft_f if female == 1 & hoursuint == 7
replace hoursu1i = hourpred_pt_f if female == 1 & hoursuint == 8
replace hoursu1i = hourpred_ft_m if female == 0 & hoursuint == 7
replace hoursu1i = hourpred_pt_m if female == 0 & hoursuint == 8
* round imputed values for consistency with original hoursu1
replace hoursu1i = round(hoursu1i,1)
* top-code at 99, like hoursu1
replace hoursu1i = 99 if hoursu1i > 99 & hoursu1i ~= .
replace hoursu1i = . if hoursu1i < 0
* clean up
drop hourpred_ft_f hourpred_pt_f hourpred_ft_m hourpred_pt_m
drop age2-age5
drop orgsample
lab var hoursu1i "Imputed usual weekly hours, main job (ORG only)"
capture label drop hoursu1i
lab def hoursu1i 99 "99+"
lab val hoursu1i hoursu1i
notes hoursu1i: Only available 1994-present ORG
notes hoursu1i: Same as hoursu1, except for those whose usual hours vary at main job