hoursuorg: Usual hours worked per week at this rate/job (earner study)¶
is the usual number of hours worked per week at the primary job in the ORG sample.
Sample | Years |
ORG | 1979 - present |
This variable's coding changes in 1994 and may not be consistent over time.
Value | Label |
99 | 99+ |
Variable creation
* Usual hours worked per week, earner study
gen int hoursuorg = .
if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
if $earnerinfo == 1 {
if tm(1979m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
replace hoursuorg = ernush
if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
* start with ORG hours variable, only defined for some hourly workers
replace hoursuorg = peernhro
* use basic usual hours if missing
replace hoursuorg = hoursu1 if (peernhro == . | peernhro <= 0) & (minsamp == 4 | minsamp == 8)
replace hoursuorg = . if hoursuorg < 0
lab var hoursuorg "Usual hours worked per week at this rate/job (earner study)"
lab def hoursuorg 99 "99+"
lab val hoursuorg hoursuorg
notes hoursuorg: Only available for the ORG sample
notes hoursuorg: Definition break in 1994
notes hoursuorg: 1979-1993 Unicon: ernush
notes hoursuorg: 1994-present CPS: peernhro and hoursu1