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earnhour: Hourly wage (if hourly worker)


earnhour is the hourly wage reported if the worker is paid by the hour. The variables wage and wageotc define hourly earnings for all workers.


Sample Years
May 1973 - 1981
ORG 1979 - present


The top-coding of earnhour changes across time.


Variable creation
* earnhour
* Hourly earnings, for those paid by the hour
* EXcludes overtime, tips, commissions
gen earnhour = .

if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
    if $earnerinfo == 1 {
        if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1978m12) {
            replace earnhour = hourern/100
        if tm(1979m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
            * convert Unicon ernhr from pennies to dollars
            replace earnhour = ernhr/100
        if tm(1994m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2021m2) {
            * note that prernhly in Census ddf is in pennies (has implicit two decimal places) in the raw ascii files
            * but NBER data dictionaries account for this, so it is in dollars in the raw Stata files
            replace earnhour = prernhly
        if tm(2021m3) <= $date {
            replace earnhour = pternhly
replace earnhour = . if earnhour < 0

lab var earnhour "Hourly wage (if hourly worker)"
notes earnhour: Dollars per hour
notes earnhour: For hourly workers only; excludes overtime, tips, commissions
notes earnhour: Top-code 1973-84: 99.99
notes earnhour: Top-code 1985-2002, < 20 usual hours: 99.99
notes earnhour: Top-code 1985-2002, 20+ usual hours: 1923.07/(usual hours)
notes earnhour: Top-code 2003-present, < 29 usual hours: 99.99
notes earnhour: Top-code 2003-present, 29+ usual hours: 2885.07/(usual hours)
notes earnhour: 1973-1993 Unicon: hourern,ernhr
notes earnhour: 1994-present CPS: prernhly