otcamt: Weekly earnings overtime, tips, commissions¶
is the amount in dollars an hourly worker usually received in overtime, tips, and commissions.
Sample | Years |
ORG | 1994 - present |
Variable creation
* Weekly earnings from overtime, tips, commissions 1994-
gen byte otcamt = .
if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
if $earnerinfo == 1 {
if tm(1994m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2024m5) {
replace otcamt = peern if paidhre == 1 & otcrec == 1
if tm(2024m6) <= $date {
replace otcamt = ptern if paidhre == 1 & otcrec == 1
replace otcamt = . if otcamt < 0
lab var otcamt "Weekly earnings overtime, tips, commissions"
notes otcamt: Hourly workers only
notes otcamt: 1994-present, CPS: derived from peern, otcrec