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tc_earnhour: Wages top-coded by BLS


tc_earnhour indicates whether or not the hourly pay variable wage_noadj is top-coded. See also wage, which includes imputed hourly earnings for top-coded values.


Sample Years
ORG 1989 - present


Value Label
0 Not top-coded
1 Top-coded


Variable creation
**Wages top-coded
gen byte tc_earnhour = .

if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
    if $earnerinfo == 1 {
        if tm(1989m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
            replace tc_earnhour = ernhtf if earnhour ~= .
        if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
            replace tc_earnhour = pthr if earnhour ~= .

lab var tc_earnhour "Wages top-coded by BLS"
lab def tc_earnhour 0 "Not top-coded" 1 "Top-coded"
lab val tc_earnhour tc_earnhour
notes tc_earnhour: 1989-1993 Unicon: ernhtf
notes tc_earnhour: 1994-present CPS: pthr