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wageotc_noadj: Hourly wage - OTC consistent


wageotc_noadj is the hourly wage in dollars per hour for workers paid hourly or nonhourly, including payments for overtime, tips, and commissions. In contrast to wageotc, wageotc_noadj is not adjusted for top-coding and is missing for nonhourly workers whose hours vary.


Sample Years
ORG 1994 - present

wage_noadj is a similar variable available back to 1973, but it excludes overtime, tips, commissions for hourly workers.


Variable creation
* wageotc_noadj
* Usual hourly earnings including overtime, tips, commissions for
* hourly and nonhourly workers
gen wageotc_noadj = .

if $monthlycps == 1 {
    if $earnerinfo == 1 {
        if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
            * for hourly workers
            replace wageotc_noadj = earnhour if paidhre == 1
            replace wageotc_noadj = earnhour + (otcamt/hoursuorg) if paidhre == 1 & otcrec == 1 & 0 < otcamt & otcamt ~= . & 0 < peernhro & peernhro <= 99

            * for nonhourly
            replace wageotc_noadj = wage_noadj if paidhre == 0

replace wageotc_noadj = . if wageotc_noadj < 0

lab var wageotc_noadj "Hourly wage - OTC consistent"
notes wageotc_noadj: Dollars per hour, for hourly and nonhourly workers
notes wageotc_noadj: Includes overtime, tips, commissions for nonhourly and hourly
notes wageotc_noadj: Covers only hourly workers who report hourly rate of pay
notes wageotc_noadj: No adjustments for top-coding, no trimming of outliers
notes wageotc_noadj: Excludes nonhourly workers whose usual hours vary
notes wageotc_noadj: 1994-present, CPS: derived from wage_noadj, weekpay_noadj, hoursu1, otcamt, otrec, peernhro