weekpay: Weekly pay (top-code adjusted)¶
is the weekly earnings in dollars for nonhourly and hourly workers, including overtime, tips, and commissions. In contrast to weekpay_noadj
, weekpay
includes imputed values for top-coded weekly earnings.
Sample | Years |
ORG | All years |
Variable creation
* Weekly earnings (top-code adjusted)
capture confirm variable weekpay, exact
if _rc == 0 {
drop weekpay
gen weekpay = .
if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
if $earnerinfo == 1 {
* determine top-code thresholds
if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1988m12) {
local topcodeval 999
if tm(1989m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1997m12) {
local topcodeval 1923
if tm(1998m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2024m12) {
* going to use 2884.60 instead of actual topcode of 2884.61 to avoid precision issues
local topcodeval 2884.60
* determine sample weights to use
if $monthlycps == 1 & $maycps == 0 local weightvar orgwgt
if $monthlycps == 0 & $maycps == 1 local weightvar basicwgt
* Do top-code adjustment
if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2024m12) {
* there seems to be something wrong with ernwk and ernwkc in 1980 may data
* coding weekpay in these data as missing for now
if $maycps == 1 & tm(1980m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1980m12) {
replace weekpay = .
else {
* males: generate top-code adjusted weekly earnings
topcode_impute weekpay_noadj if weekpay_noadj ~= . & female == 0 & age >= 16 & age ~= . [pw=`weightvar'], generate(weekpay_male) method(Pareto) threshold(80) topcodeval(`topcodeval')
* females: generate top-code adjusted weekly earnings
topcode_impute weekpay_noadj if weekpay_noadj ~= . & female == 1 & age >= 16 & age ~= . [pw=`weightvar'], generate(weekpay_female) method(pareto) threshold(80) topcodeval(`topcodeval')
replace weekpay = weekpay_male if female == 0
replace weekpay = weekpay_female if female == 1
drop weekpay_male weekpay_female
* account for topcoding change after April 2024
if tm(2025m1) <= $date {
replace weekpay = weekpay_noadj
lab var weekpay "Weekly pay (top-code adjusted)"
notes weekpay: Dollars per week for nonhourly and hourly workers
notes weekpay: Includes overtime, tips, commissions
notes weekpay: Original top-code values replaced with Pareto-distribution implied mean above top-code
notes weekpay: Separate imputations for men and women
notes weekpay: Original top-code: 1973-88: 999; 1986-97: 1923; 1998-2023: 2884.61
notes weekpay: Beginning in 2023, top-code value is the weighted average of the top 3% of earners in a given month
notes weekpay: Data 2023m4-2024m3 replace final ORG (minsamp == 8) topcoded value with average full-year topcoded value for first ORG (minsamp == 4)
notes weekpay: Derived from weekpay_noadj and tc_weekpay