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weekpay_noadj: Weekly pay


weekpay_noadj is the weekly earnings in dollars for nonhourly and hourly workers, including overtime, tips, and commissions. In contrast to [weekpay] (, weekpay_noadj makes no adjustments for top-coded weekly earnings.


Sample Years
ORG All years


Variable creation
* Weekly earnings
gen weekpay_noadj = .

if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
    if $earnerinfo == 1 {
        if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1978m12) {
            * weekly earnings in May CPS
            replace weekpay_noadj = wkusern
        if tm(1979m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1988m12) {
            * use computed weekly earnings
            replace weekpay_noadj = ernwkc

            * there is a higher top-code available in 1986-1988
            if tm(1986m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1988m12) {
                replace weekpay_noadj = ernwk4x if (weekpay_noadj >= 999 & weekpay_noadj != . & ernwk4x > 999 & ernwk4x != .)
        if tm(1989m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
            replace weekpay_noadj = ernwk
        if tm(1994m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2021m2) {
            * note that prernwa in Census ddf is in pennies (has implicit two decimal places) in the raw ascii files
            * but NBER data dictionaries account for this, so it is in dollars in the raw Stata files
            replace weekpay_noadj = prernwa
        if tm(2021m3) <= $date {
            replace weekpay_noadj = pternwa

if $maycps == 1 & tm(1980m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1980m12) {
    * there seems to be something wrong with ernwk and ernwkc in 1980 may data
    * moving to missing for now
    replace weekpay_noadj = .

replace weekpay_noadj = . if weekpay_noadj < 0
lab var weekpay_noadj "Weekly pay"
notes weekpay_noadj: Dollars per week for nonhourly and hourly workers
notes weekpay_noadj: Includes overtime, tips, commissions
notes weekpay_noadj: Top-code: 1973-88: 999; 1989-97: 1923; 1998-: 2884.61
notes weekpay_noadj: Some records in 1986-1988 may have earnings 999-1932
notes weekpay_noadj: 1973-1978 Unicon: wkusern
notes weekpay_noadj: 1979-1988 Unicon: ernwkc
notes weekpay_noadj: 1986-1988 Unicon, ernwk4x for ernwkc > 999
notes weekpay_noadj: 1989-1993 Unicon, ernwk
notes weekpay_noadj: 1994-present CPS: prernwa