EPI Microdata Extracts
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EPI Microdata Extracts
How to use the EPI extracts
Citations & sources
age: Age
agechild: Presence of own children, by age group
citistat: Citizenship status, detailed
citizen: US citizen
famrel: Family relationship recode
female: Female
hispanic: Hispanic ethnicity
married: Married
ownchild: Number of own children in primary family
raceorig: Race, minimally recoded, detailed
veteran: Veteran status
wbhao: Race/ethnicity, including Asian
wbhaom: Race/ethnicity, including Asian and multiple
wbho: Race/ethnicity
wbho_only: Race: white only, black only, hispanic, other
wbhom: Race/ethnicity, including multiple
wbo_only: Race: white only, black only, other
educ: Education level
gradeatn: Education level attained, detailed, post-1991
gradecom: Completed highest grade attended
gradehi: Highest grade attended
schenrl: Enrolled in high school or college last week
cow1: Class of Worker, 1st job
cow2: Class of Worker, 2nd job
discwork: Discourged worker
dlfstat: Labor-force status
emp: Employed
emphrs: Reason not at work/hours last week
ftptstat: Full/part-time work status
lfstat: Labor-force status
lookdur: Job seeking duration (weeks)
multjobs: Multiple job holder
nilf: Not in labor force
numjobs: Number of jobs
pubfed: Federal government employee
publoc: Local government employee
pubsec: Public sector employee
pubst: State government employee
samejob: Same employer as last month, at main job
selfemp: Self-employed (unincorporated)
selfinc: Incorporated self-employed
telework: Teleworked last week
uncov: Covered by a union contract (not a member)
unemp: Unemployed
unempdur: Unemployment duration, in weeks
union: Represented by a union as a member or covered by contract
unmem: Member of a union
whyabsent: Reason absent from work
whyunemp: Reason for unemployment
cbsafips: Core Based Statistical Area - FIPS code
cbsasize: Size of metropolitan area (CBSA)
countyfips: County - FIPS code
division: Census division (1-9)
metstat: Metropolitan status
region: Census region (1-4)
statecensus: State - Census code
statefips: State - FIPS code
hourslw1: Hours worked last week, main job
hourslw2: Hours worked last week, other jobs
hourslwt: Hours worked last week, total
hourslwtw: Hours teleworked last week
hoursu1: Usual hours worked per week, main job
hoursu1i: Imputed usual weekly hours, main job (ORG only)
hoursu2: Usual hours worked per week, other jobs
hoursuint: Usual hours worked weekly, intervalled
hoursumay: Usual hours worked per week at main job (May supplement)
hoursuorg: Usual hours worked per week at this rate/job (earner study)
hoursut: Usual hours worked per week, all jobs
hoursvary: Usual hours vary, main job
ptecon: Part-time for economic reasons
famid: Family identifer (unique within household)
famtype: Family type
hhid: Household identifer (unique within month)
hhtype: Household type
hrhhid: CPS: Household identifier (Part 1)
hrhhid2: CPS: Household identifier (Part 2)
hrsample: CPS: Household sample identifier
hrsersuf: CPS: Household serial suffix
huhhnum: CPS: Household number
minsamp: Month in sample
month: Month
personid: Person identifer (unique within household-month)
proxy: Self or proxy response
pulineno: CPS: Person line number within household
unicon_recnum: Unicon unique person record, 1973-1993
year: Year
a_earnhour: Hourly earnings allocated by BLS
a_weekpay: Weekly pay allocated by BLS
earnhour: Hourly wage (if hourly worker)
faminc: Family income category
otcamt: Weekly earnings overtime, tips, commissions
otcrec: Usually receive overtime, tips, commissions
paidhre: Paid by hour
tc_weekpay: Weekly pay top-coded by BLS
wage: Hourly wage (adjusted)
wage_noadj: Hourly wage
wageotc: Hourly wage (adjusted) - OTC consistent
wageotc_noadj: Hourly wage - OTC consistent
weekpay: Weekly pay (top-code adjusted)
weekpay_noadj: Weekly pay
Industry & Occupation
Industry & Occupation
dind03: Detailed industry recode, 2003-present
docc03: Detailed occupation recode, 2003-present
ind02: 2002 Census Industry Classification
ind07: 2007 Census Industry Classification
ind12: 2012 Census Industry Classification
ind17: 2017 Census Industry Classification
ind70: 1970 Census Industry Classification
ind80: 1980 Census Industry Classification
ind90: 1990 Census Industry Classification
manuf: Manufacturing industry
mind03: Major industry recode, 2003-present
mind16: Major industry (consistent)
mocc03: Major occupation recode, 2003-present
mocc10: Major occupation (consistent)
occ00: 2000 Census Occupation Classification
occ10: 2010 Census Occupation Classification
occ18: 2018 Census Occupation Classification
occ70: 1970 Census Occupation Classification
occ80: 1980 Census Occupation Classification
occ90: 1990 Census Occupation Classification
occcode: Occupation: original census code
basicwgt: Basic monthly weight
cmpwgt: Composited final monthly weight
famwgt: Family weight
finalwgt: Final basic monthly weight
hhwgt: Household weight
orgwgt: Earnings weight
Frequently asked questions
Methodology: race/ethnicity variables
Methodology: wage variables
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