occcode: Occupation: original census code¶
is the occupation code on the CPS file for the job of the respondent.
Sample | Years |
Basic | All years |
May | All years |
ORG | All years |
This is the original code on file and it is not coded consistently over time.
Variable creation
* Occupation code
gen int occcode = .
if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12) {
replace occcode = occ
if tm(1994m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2021m2) {
replace occcode = peio1ocd
if tm(2021m3) <= $date {
replace occcode = ptio1ocd
lab var occcode "Occupation: original census code"
notes occcode: Not consistent over time
notes occcode: 1973-1993 Unicon: occ
notes occcode: 1994-2021 CPS: peio1ocd
notes occcode: 2021-present CPS: ptio1ocd