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occcode: Occupation: original census code


occcode is the occupation code on the CPS file for the job of the respondent.


Sample Years
Basic All years
May All years
ORG All years


This is the original code on file and it is not coded consistently over time.


Variable creation
* Occupation code
gen int occcode = .

if $monthlycps == 1 | $maycps == 1 {
    if tm(1973m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(1993m12)   {
        replace occcode = occ
    if tm(1994m1) <= $date & $date <= tm(2021m2) {
        replace occcode = peio1ocd
    if tm(2021m3) <= $date {
        replace occcode = ptio1ocd

lab var occcode "Occupation: original census code"
notes occcode: Not consistent over time
notes occcode: 1973-1993 Unicon: occ
notes occcode: 1994-2021 CPS: peio1ocd
notes occcode: 2021-present CPS: ptio1ocd