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hoursuint: Usual hours worked weekly, intervalled


hoursuint is an intervalled version of hours usually worked per week. See also hoursvary.


Sample Years
Basic 1994 - present
ORG 1994 - present


Value Label
1 0-20 hours
2 21-34 hours
3 35-39 hours
4 40 hours
5 41-49 hours
6 50 or more hours
7 Hours vary: full-time
8 Hours vary: part-time


Variable creation
* hoursuint: Usual hours worked weekly, intervalled
gen byte hoursuint = .

if $monthlycps == 1 {
    if tm(1994m1) <= $date {
        assert (1 <= prhrusl & prhrusl <= 8) | prhrusl == -1
        replace hoursuint = prhrusl
        replace hoursuint = . if hoursuint < 1

label var hoursuint "Usual hours worked weekly, intervalled"
#delimit ;
lab def hoursuint
1 "0-20 hours"
2 "21-34 hours"
3 "35-39 hours"
4 "40 hours"
5 "41-49 hours"
6 "50 or more hours"
7 "Hours vary: full-time"
8 "Hours vary: part-time"
#delimit cr;
lab val hoursuint hoursuint
notes hoursuint: 1994-present CPS: prhrusl